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What is it?

Most people have no idea what twitch is. Even fans would have a hard time explaining it. It’s kind of everything. Anything that can be streamed is streamed, and whether it’s Fortnite, live sheep farming, speed cubing or a nostalgic icon like Bob Ross, there’s a group of fans that want to watch it together and share their opinions in their own secret language of emotes.

So how do you help launch the first ever ad campaign for such an amorphous, inexplicable platform. You welcome everyone in the door, because the one thing it clearly is, is a community. A place where everyone fits in and can find other like-minded folks for whatever their passions and interests are no matter how obscure or quirky.

If you’re one of the absolutely everyone who loves Bob Ross.

If you enjoy taking over the world perched in a swivel chair.

If you like 70,000 people watching you get pizza.

Brand Social Video

Brand Social Video

Creator Social Video

Creator Social Video


Thursday Night Football

Twitch teamed up with the NFL to bring two seemingly different worlds together. Many of the people who loved commenting on game streams had just as many opinions about traditional sports like football. Now the play-by-play would be delivered by their favorite game streamers along with the communal mayhem of live chat streams they so craved. An old school form of entertainment was about to be twitch-ified and elevated in a whole new format.